The evolution of the beard. Alvin can grow some thick facial hair, but after a couple weeks of the experiment, we both agreed we prefer him facial-hair-less.
Your legs need to grow a few more inches to reach those pedals.
Without occasional visits from Brian and Angela, we would rapidly lose touch with the high-adventure, outdoors-loving crowd. We might also lose perspective and start feeling tall. After a convincing bluff, Ang beat the boys in Ticket to Ride. P.S. Angela, we found a store that carries hook on seats (here's another model).
Miles is starting to walk the walk and strut the strut. Doesn't he look dashing in a tie?
Alvin hosted the BYU Outdoors Club at his family cabin in Fairview Canyon. Here he is packing - with a stowaway.
This is my step-family. Who ever thought I'd be a step-sister? The cute girl in white in the middle is Emma. She just got baptized. The baby hiding behing my head is Luke; he and Miles share a birthday! The baby to the left of Emma is Gabe; he just turned one.
We had not one, but three decorated trees. A coffee plant that bears no beans, traditional fir, and a Black Pearl pepper plant. All were kept out of Miles' reach. Mostly.
Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.