Sunday, September 28, 2008

Flying Solo

Alvin left this morning for a week-long job training in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Assuming he made it past airport security in his steel-toed boots, he's scheduled for daily classes in job safety. I looked at his schedule, and I think they'll be watching a lot of movies - maybe about past industrial accidents in his company.

What am I going to do without Alvin? His last business trip was only 3 or 4 days, and that was a year ago. This is an entire week! At least I have Amber and Ranger to keep me company. If I get too bored and lonely, I might do something drastic, like get a short haircut. Alvin's pretty lucky that I've put up with long hair since we got married.

Yesterday we drove up Big Cottonwood Canyon and Guardsman Pass to see the fall leaves. The colors are spectacular! Autumn in Utah is fabulous.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Laura!

5 reasons I'm glad that Laura was born.
1. Laura is an Angel.

The world is surely a better place with her around.
She is the most thoughtful and considerate person that I know. She is genuine, kind, and loving and has improved the lives of those with whom she has come in contact. I can't tell you how many notes of gratitude, encouragment, and love that she has written to others (it is definitely a lot).

2. She makes me laugh and she is so fun to be around! Sometimes we get laughing so hard we can hardly stop.

3. She puts up with me.
4. Sweet mountain biking fashion. Need I say more?

5. She's talented, adventurous, and beautiful. I can't believe how lucky I am to be able to wake up next to her each day.

Happy Birthday Laura!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Can you guess what we're having?

The ultrasound this morning was so cool-there's actually a distinct person inside me. What a cute profile. Look at those strong, Scottish legs.
Have you figured it out yet......?

It's a boy! We are so excited to have a boy, except we'll have to repaint the pink baby room. I really have no idea what to do with a boy, because I grew up with only sisters. At least Alvin's teaching me how to throw a frisbee. That's going to take a LOT of practice. Another milestone today: I started feeling the baby move and kick . . . or was that just digestion?

Sunday, September 14, 2008


My sister Amber got a puppy, and since we all live in the same house, he's practically ours, too. Except we're not obligated to feed him or clean the carpet when he forgets that he's being house-trained. Ranger, a.k.a. Pooch, Puppy, Goober, or Dog, is an 11-week-old beagle. My aunt warned us that a dog would chew up all the furniture (which he does), but since Amber claims Alvin does that anyway (which he might), we had nothing to lose. Plus, a puppy guaranteed immediate cuddling, which a year and a half of attendance at the singles ward has failed to produce.

Summers End

Summer has come and nearly gone and the fresh cool air is a welcome reminder that Autumn is nearly upon us. The harvest has been good this year and we have been busy preparing for the coming winter. However, the most exciting news of late is that Laura is having a baby in February! We are both very excited. Laura is also excited that she has been feeling really well since the end of the first trimester. We find out if we are having a boy or girl in three days. It hasn't sunk in yet that I will soon be a father and I'm sure I don't know what I'm getting myself into.


This year we grew six kinds of squash, five varieties of peppers, peas, beans, lettuce, potatoes, carrots, radishes, onions, garlic, kohlrabi, tomatoes, raspberries, strawberries, cantaloupe, watermelon, peaches and pears. We almost drowned in tomatoes but luckily we found some good salsa recipes and friends to help us use them up.

I am happy to report that I finally graduated! I finished and submitted my geologic map and thesis. What a great feeling that was. Don't get me wrong, I had a lot of fun, but it was sure nice to submit the final copy after all that work. Speaking of work....I have my first real post school 8-5 job. I work in Salt Lake doing geology related work. It's a great job.

The Great Outdoors
Laura and I had a lot of fun this summer. We were able go on some great trips and we have also had fun hiking and rock climbing. Here are some photos.